[학회] 2023 춘계 고분자학회
유현진, 김경진, 김예진, 박가연, 신혜린, 양도현, 황혜지 학생이 2023 춘계 고분자학회에서 포스터발표로 참가했습니다.

발표자: 유현진
발표 주제: Enhanced Ambipolarity of Cyclopentadithiophene-co-pyridylthiadiazole D-A-A-D-type Polymers

발표자: 김경진
발표 주제: General strategy for improving electrical conductivity and stretchability of PEDOT:PSS/ionic liquid composite thin films

발표자: 김예진
발표 주제: A semi-crystalline Polymer Semiconductor with Thin Film Stretchability Exceeding 200%

발표자: 박가연
발표 주제: Highly Oriented Stretchable Polymer Semiconductor Thin Films for Polarizationsensitive Organic Phototransistors

발표자: 신혜린
발표 주제: Effect of Fluorination on Morphological, Electrical, and Mechanical
Properties of Benzotriazole-Based Polymer Semiconductors

발표 주제: Enhanced Dichroic ratio of Polymer Semiconductor Thin Films Aligned and Oriented on Nano-structured Substrates

발표 주제: Polarimetric Organic Photodetectors Based on Highly Oriented Polymer Semiconductor Thin Films